Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's Newspaper of Record

Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's
Newspaper of Record

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Amanda Knox : The New York Times Continues the Obfuscation and Blame-Shifting, and Whites-Out the Face of Rudy Guede, the True Star of This Gruesome Show

Even though Foxy Knoxy has been cleared, and even though anyone who's read even a little about the story can tell what happened - ie illegal immigrant African drifter loser in gibs-muh-dats mode tries to steal from the neighbours of this friends, winds up killing half-white British chick who catches him in the act, rapes her and steals her sail phone for good measure, then flees to Germany then when caught on a train without a ticket blames the murder on a white girl, the Italian prosecutor in politically correct anti-white mode takes it from there, goes after the implausible Amanda Knox - anyway it should be obvious, and it is (hence the release), but even though Knox is cleared and it's obvious what happened, the New York Times continues to play down the role of the principal antagonist in this affair. 

In their first article since Knox's release, "Amanda Knox Freed After Appeal in Italian Court," the New York Times mentions Guede only twice : 

Rudy Guede murdered Meredith Kercher. He should be the star of the show. Were it not for this rampaging, murdering, permanently tumescent malignant tumor in human form (sort of), Amanda Knox would be another anonymous twenty-something white chick living in Seattle, and Kercher would still be alive.

Strange how the international media (which the NYT tacitly agrees with) just can't seem to wrap its head around who is the real victim here. The case reminds me a lot of the pharmacist in Oklahoma doing life in prison for shooting the black kid who was robbing him. Like Knox, he was minding his own business, when the actions of a verminous cockroach led him straight into purgatory. Likewise Knox, minding her own business, loses four years of her life, and leaves Italy a convicted slanderer with a thirty thousand dollar fine, after being attacked by another african, her former employer, Patrick Lumbumba.

But again, the true culprit in this matter is glossed over by the New York Times :

That's right, the New York Times's take-home message is that the Italian justice system is barbaric. Not the raping, murdering, stealing, burglaring, lying, illegal immigrant verminous scum who is at the heart of the whole matter. 

Next time you read about Amanda Knox, watch for the name "Rudy Guede." If it appears frequently, you are reading an honest publication. If it does not, you are reading the New York Times. 

The New York Times: Whitewashing African Criminality Since 1994. 


Anonymous said...

You are right: there is no question that id Amanda Knox weere not white, and were not pretty, the MSM's take on the whole case would have been a lot different.

Anonymous said...

First !

Anonymous said...

Disgusting the way white people fail to recognize the predictable savagery of the European pavement ape.

Anonymous said...

Best article so far on the Amanda Knox case : Guy Somerset in TakiMag :


Anonymous said...

The majority of MSM summaries of this case - now that Knox is free - go on and on about how she might be guilty, about how she almost ruined the life of a black man (Lumumba) etc etc.

It is shocking how misguided the MSM has been on this case.

Anonymous said...

winds up killing half-white British chick

Artur, I must take issue with this statement.

Meredith's mum was asian, her dad was jewsih. Therefore she wasnt jafl-white, she wasnt white at all.

Anonymous said...

The New York Times is an anti-American, anti-White, Jew owned and controlled rag. Why that hateful rag has not been shut downed is a testament to the power of the jew cabal and anti-American forces in this country. The NYT publishes lie after lie. Why anyone reads this fish wrap is remarkable within itself.
Amanda Knox is another page in the hot blast of hate that pours out for Whites around the world and in the US of A.

rjp said...

Ann Coulter presents quite a solid case against Amanda Knox: http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2011-09-07.html

Anonymous said...

Sorry RIP : Anne Coulter's piece on why Knox could be guilty seems to miss the essentials about this case.

Coulter really did do her homework before publishing that surprisingly - for - her stupid piece.

Nicholas said...

Anonymous said...

winds up killing half-white British chick

Artur, I must take issue with this statement.

Meredith's mum was asian, her dad was jewsih. Therefore she wasnt jafl-white, she wasnt white at all.
October 4, 2011 5:11 PM

Anonymous Illiterate,

Of course, she was half-white. But you’re a pure Nazi twit.

However, I do agree with you on one point: Meredith Kercher was not “jafl-white.”

Nicholas Stix

Anonymous said...

So, jews are white then?

Anonymous said...

Nicholas - you loathesome two-faced, jewish, neo-con, reptile. No disrespect intended.