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31 Agust MMXI - Clk 2 Enlrg |
Like Saddam Hussein, at least Qaddafi knew that his nation was a Third World hellhole whose very existence was created, sustained by, and as a point of passage for the 85% of Africans who would emigrate from its shores if they could, mortally threatening to Europe.
When three years ago or so Qaddafi came out and offered Italy his help in stopping the Libya-launched hordes of Erceti flooding in to the land of milk and honey in exchange for five billion dollars over five years, Berlu and his ilk should have leaped at the opportunity instead of excreting the usual platitudes about human rights, equal opportunity and universal egalitarianism.
Instead, we now have Lampedusa processing thousands of humanity's most depraved young fertile souls - all brought to you thanks to misguided White Western food aid to the Dark Continent over the past three decades.
I'm starting to miss the Colonel.
As the utterly backassward, stuck-in-the-Stone-Age tribes of that dismal turd world shithole that is Libya begin to awake to the reality that the so-called "Arab Spring" is not going to turn their women into Brittney Spears's and their cities into Palm Springs overnight, it's almost like you can hear the Colonel with his bad hair snickering at Western naiveté.
"Told you so!", says the Colonel.
Meanwhile, the New York Times and its snickering communist reality fugitives continue apace down the brightly colored brick road of fantasy of universal outcomes. "All the noble people of Libya need," insist over and over the dark-souled diversity enforcers at Amerika's newspaper of record, "Is democracy, equality, diversity, and liberalism, and they will blossom into a beautiful society of incredible enlightenment and enrichment."
The worst part is, that the poor, not-too-bright camel herders of Libya itself, dressed in their god-awful gaudy Chinese-made t-shirts depicting American hip-hop "culture," were the first to be infected by this disease that is Western liberalism; in the same way that these Allahu-Akbar screaming throwbacks from another era have grown fond of electricity and telephones, they have also adopted our most noble notions of fairness that would have worked 200 years ago, in a homogeneous world, but have absolutely no place in their society in 2011.
They want Western "enlightenment," but they are saddled with the same historical and dare I say biological limitations that landed them where they are in the first place; worse still, they want to cherry pick the best of the West (cell phones, the wheel, modern hygiene, etc. ), benefiting from all the cozy, comfy things that cometh from the West, while at the same time remaining stubbornly cocooned in their commitment to a troglodytic, low-IQ child molester, Momo.
As a Westerner, the impulse is almost innate: Libya and the Arab world, very fucked up, therefore, very worthy of my pity.
Yes, yes and yes. But fifty years ago, NOT today, when the evil, One-World diversity enforcers at the New York Times and other elitist institutions of World Policy have blurred national boundaries to the point of non-existence, and human differences even more so.
The Libyans might be a sad lot; in a sane world they would merit our pity, and concern. But in this day and age, wherein they have swallowed the Western One-World cool aid into believing that the only reason theirs is a dusty, impoverished shithole is because of some absurd notion of historical European wickedness on the Dark Continent or one of the other textbook memes of the global social justice playbook, I say that the time for pity is over.
Life is not fair. North Africa will never be New England, and will probably always need dictators like Qaddafi.
The New York Times is Guilty in perpetuating the myth that a democratic Arab Spring can happen without ghastly consequences for all of the region and indeed for all of the West - the very place that impregnated that Godforsaken land with such naive notions of universal fair play.
Once again, the New York Times: gravely fucking things up since 1946.