The NYT Doesn't Even Bother to Corroborate 3rd Party Hearsay
From the article :
Once Again From the NYT: in Africa - This Bastion of Barbarity - Chaos Results
ONLY From Undemocratic Leaders; According to the Diversity-Enforcing One
Worlders at the NYT, the People Are Always Noble, the Culture is Always Great,
It Is Just a Handful of Despots Who Make Life Bad For A Noble People
NYT Wishful Thinkers
I am starting to like this Qadaffi guy more by the day.
Of course Anthony Shahid claims that the guy who "shot him in the back" was a Jew.
Note the way the NYT prints his claim as virtual fact.
I love the way these New York Times pussies try to make it sound like ALL LIbyans are such nice people, they have such a wonderful, generous, majestic culture, it is ONLY because of ONE MAN that things are bad.
Indeed, how does the NYT explain away Robert Mugabe in Zim?
Of course Anthony Shahid claims that the guy who "shot him in the back" was a Jew.
Note the way the NYT prints his claim as virtual fact.
I love the way these New York Times pussies try to make it sound like ALL LIbyans are such nice people, they have such a wonderful, generous, majestic culture, it is ONLY because of ONE MAN that things are bad.
Indeed, how does the NYT explain away Robert Mugabe in Zim?
Answer: they don't. Cuz they're pussies.
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