Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's Newspaper of Record

Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's
Newspaper of Record

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Hugs From Libyans": Through Pink-Colored Glasses, Sad Sack Times Communist Nick Kristof Once Again Lets Emotion Get the Best of Him

3/26/11 - Click to Enlarge
New York Times DWL Nicholas Kristof wants everybody to be happy. That is a nicey-nice enough thing to want, I suppose. 

 "Hugs From Libyans"
From the article:




Anonymous said...

I remember a report by Kristof from Sub-Saharan Africa: he was interviewing some Stone Agers and reporting on how noble and wonderful it was that these women carry giant sacks of produce on their heads. It was embarrassing to see this squealing little pussy try to carry one of the large sacks on his head, African-style. He made it sound like these women were the most amazing thing that he had ever seen -= which I can understand, if this had been a feature story on the Today Show.

Nicholas Kristof is a deluded little liberal pussy. Sorry Nick !

Anonymous said...

so what's the point?