Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's Newspaper of Record

Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's
Newspaper of Record

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Elliot Rodger Massacre: The New York Daily News Identifies The True Culprits

Remember how the New York Times was calling George Zimmerman a "white Hispanic"? 

The fact is that at that time, the term "white Hispanic" had never until then been printed in the illustrious pages of Amerika's newspaper of Record. 

So let's wait and see how weirdly the Times can spin the insane story of insane Elliot Rodger, he of Hunger Games fame and all the anti-normality that that movie represents. 

I the meantime, check out the New York Daily News' take on The 22 Year-Old Virgin Massacre :

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Graduation day at Harvard:

Note the white male entitlement.