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Monday 9 December MMXIII |
The front page photo that announced this article was one of the biggest front page photos I have ever seen in the New York Times.
Published as it was on the heels of Saint Mandela's death, and a mere one day after the NYT did a front-page story in their Sunday magazine on the Lost Boy Who Couldn't (pass the Atlanta Police Academy basic training test), I assumed that this story on li'l "Dasani" had to have something to do with Mandela. I mean, in all my years of reading and criticizing the NYT, never repeat NEVER have I seen a feature story take up a full 55% or more of the Monday front page.
But then, this is the New York Times we're talking about: Chutzpah is the name of the game for these vermin.
"Girl in the Shadows" is part of a two-part series that the New York Times has the balls to subtitle as "Invisible Child," apparently without a hint of irony or even the tiniest bit of self-awareness of how stupid and disingenuous that makes them sound, after the "Kony 2012" Invisible Children campaign kind of cued everyone with a heartbeat to the racket that is the SWPL slobbering over dysfunctional, assisted African children far and wide.
Even South Park did an episode on disgraced "Invisible Children" idiot Jason Russell; maybe they should do a similar show on the New York Times' Andrea Elliot's "Invisible Child" campaign, because this sickening ghetto sympathiser really takes the cake.
From Elliot's mega-article, which tells the story of criminal heroin addicts "Chanel" and "Supreme," and their EIGHT children living in a homeless shelter for famblies in Brooklyn :
"Suddenly, Supreme leaps into the air. His monthly benefits have arrived, announced by a recording on his prepaid welfare phone. He sets off to reclaim his gold teeth from the pawnshop and buy new boots for the children at Cookie’s, a favored discount store in Fulton Mall. The money will be gone by week’s end.
Supreme and Chanel have been scolded about their lack of financial discipline in countless meetings with the city agencies that monitor the family.
But when that monthly check arrives, Supreme and Chanel do not think about abstractions like “responsibility” and “self-reliance.” They lose themselves in the delirium that a round of ice creams brings. They feel the sudden, exquisite release born of wearing those gold fronts again — of appearing like a person who has rather than a person who lacks."
Here, it's like the vermin at the NYT are saying: "how dare you judge these poor black welfare recipients with their gold teeth, you shitty, hateful white privilege person? We at the NYT are so down with the ghetto folk, that we keeping it real. And we don't care what you think."
In a sane society, the national newspaper of record would be questioning the wisdom of public policy encouraging at worst, and not preventing at best - a pair of junky criminals breeding eight children that they cannot care for.
The whole thing becomes even a lot more obvious toward the end of Elliot's article. Her and the seething hatred for white people is barely concealed when a few lines from the end of this epic-long article, Ellito writes this :
" They turn north on Carlton Avenue, passing a renovated brick townhouse with sleek, metal window frames.
A skinny brunette is unloading her station wagon. At the sight of Dasani’s family, she freezes. She smiles nervously and moves slowly to her car, grabbing an infant from the car seat.
The mood shifts.
“She thinks we gonna jump her,” Chanel says as she keeps walking. The shelter is only three blocks away.
“Why do they feel like they’re so apart? She’s just two steps away from us. If you got jumped out here, a black man would be the first to save your ass. That’s what I feel like telling her.”
When they reach Myrtle Avenue, Chanel goes searching for a beer at her favorite corner store. Dasani trails her. "
"A skinny brunette"? This is how the vermin at the New York Times refers to a young white woman in the gentryfying ghetto?
Everyone reading this needs to contact Times communist Andrea Elliot and tell her what you think.
A most repulsive video BTW of DWL Andrea Elliot interacting with her beloved ghetto pets can be seen among many other related NYT documents here.
The New York Times: Now That Silly Billy Is ABout To Take Over, The Vermin Of 42nd Street Are Turning Up The Contrived "Social Justice" Rhetoric.
Let's wish those vermin at the NYT a very Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year...not.
All I can say is- Word up yo!!!!!
Nathan Zakheim- criminal, cultist, violent extremist, supporter of child molestation
A man by the calling of Nathan Zakheim, who resides in Los Angeles, California, and works as an art collector, has a very sordid dark history involved in numerous cult activities. He has also engaged in crime in this regard, as well as violence and extremism.
He also openly supports a group of child molesting criminals called The Hare Krishna Cult.
He apparently runs his art collection/restoration business with his wife and two children.
Business Address:
P.O. Box 11929
960 N La Brea Avenue
Marina Del Rey, California 90295
His email: zakheim@earthlink.net
His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naara.vishwakarma
His LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/nathan-zakheim/26/965/235
His wife Rupa Manjari Zakheim's email: roupamanjaridevidasi@gmail.com
Her Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoupaManjaridevidasi
Her LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/rupa-manjari-devi-dasi/26/964/57a
Her Freelancer profile: http://www.freelancer.com.jm/u/RupaZakheim.html
His son Kuva Zakheim's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kuva108
His daughter Shakuntala's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shakuntala.zakheim.7
This message is a warning to all present or future business associates/partners of Nathan Zakheim. I want you to be aware of his sordid past history and what a sick and dangerous individual this man is.
War on Christmas: A so-called judge has ruled just in time for Christmas that the cross at the veteran's cemetery in California must come down.
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