Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's Newspaper of Record

Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's
Newspaper of Record

Friday, May 29, 2015

COTT Is Back

Friday 29 May MMXV
Sorry COTT readers we have been away for a while.

That is not to say that the subterranean scum at the New York Times have amped down in any way their unabashed contempt for all things Western, and Decent, and Good.

On the contrary, in the past few weeks, the vermin at Amerika's newspaper of rekord have turned up the dial on the Hate-O-Meter even further, after having completed a nearly one-year non-stop campaign to vilify police departments around the nation, in their non-stop and criminally irresponsible campaign to stir up anti-white hatred wherever it can be sniffed out.

In a hilariously dishonest propaganda puff piece printed on page A16 of today's national print edition and entitled "Complaints Rise Against Nation's Railroad Police," New York Times communist and professional aggrieved negro "reporter" Ron Nixon makes the case for sniffing out racism even further afield, now that he and all of the racist scum at the NYT have established that police departments nation-wide are racist and evil, and constantly target innocent dindus even though the blacks are never, ever, EVER to blame for their criminal ways.

From the article :
"Residents of the African-American neighborhood say that for years they have walked across the tracks to go to work, to bus stops or to a supermarket. The arrests, confirmed independently by court records and interviews, were first reported by The Miami New Times and The Miami Herald in 2014.
“People have being doing this for years,” said Edduard Prince, a longtime resident of the neighborhood who was arrested in 2013 while crossing the tracks to get to his job. Mr. Prince said the officers pulled up, drew their guns, ordered him to show his hands and arrested him. “This is clearly racial profiling,” Mr. Prince said.
This is clearly racial profiling, says some  stupid, filthy, criminal hoodlum, and the New York Times prints his words like gospel.

Here's what these a-holes want: tens of millions of aggrieved, low-wattage American negroes rising up in indignation against the Anglo power structure (as opposed to the Israelite lobby that defines the NYT editorial line), so that the insidious hand behind the black velvet curtain that the scum at the New York Times represents, is able to achieve free reign over a cowed and hated populace.

Think I'm kidding ?

Just take a good look at the picture that accompanies  the "Complaints Rise" article cited above :

That's right: the big dude on the right is Eddouard Prince, the one who says it's "clearly racial profiling" (when the cops stop him on rail road property).

Note the white t-shirt thug in the background, clearly in the process of illegally crossing company tracks. There's even a sign in the pic, you can see that it says "Stay Out" or "No Tresspassing" or the like.

But the filthy, verminous, punching-up scoundrels at the New York Times want blacks like this to know that Private Property is a White Thing, and any attempts by Private Property owners to keep dangerous, scummy trespassers off their property is akin to Evil White Racism.

The New York Times is actually saying here, by allowing this low-wattage reporter Ron Nixon (good one! ) to Punch Down at private railroad company police who attempt to keep rampaging criminal negroes off their property, that it is okay for blacks to trespass and trash on private property, and that any attempts to keep blacks in check is racist and evil.

The New York Times wants more trespassers like the white-t-shirt black in the rear of the photo to continue to trample upon private property with impunity. The hateful, mentally unbalanced scum at Amerika's newspaper of record are doing everything in their power to make blacks hate whites even more than they already do.

And for this we say: Not "thank you," (this is not Tosh point O), but rather : *uck you, New York Times. You have been exposed for the pathological altruistic, competitive compassion, anti-white and anti-normal scum that you really are. Payback is right around the corner.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Barack Obama On Letterman : America's 1st Affirmative Action President, Too Unintelligent And Too Pandered To By Pansies Like David Letterman To Even Understand That There Is A Whole Population Of Dark Enlightenment-Aware Individuals Who See Right Through The Snivel Spewed From His Prognathic, Primitive Snout

Watch through this interview, and behold the "Commander In Chief" getting his rectum licked by the semi-senile David Letterman.

Thanks Allah both these assholes will be off the stage soon.

In the near future History is going to snap back like an out-of-control, speeding, stolen minivan, on the monstrosity of equalist lies that defined the eight horrific years of America's first affirmative-action halfrican "president." Future thinkers will be even less kind with the sickening, outrageous  spectacle that is the Michelle Obama, she of "they said I wasn't smart enough at Princeton" fame, First Tranny, f-U YT 1st "lady", Michelle the Prognathic Missing Link First Lady Of The United States.


Ok all that was a little mean. Sorry !

But: listen to this foul, ungrateful AA-hire, who appears too unintelligent to understand the causality or lighter significance of his inflated station in life,  goaded on as he is by the long-senile and ball-less anti-white Letterman, and judge for yourself on the level of absolute hatred that this man Obama has for white European-American males. He makes it pretty clear in this transparent and pedestrian  "presidential interview" :

Note to Letterman, Obama, and all the scummers out their :

History is going to judge you weasels harshly. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

These Are The Professional Criminals That The New York Times Have Adopted As Their Competitive Compassion Pet Prizes, Then Carried On About About Making Them Blameless Victims of White Oppression, For Many Years Now...

Police brutality, Black Lives Matter, my eye.

Do yourself a favor : Inform yourself ; Watch this video twice.

The vermin at the New York Times are in part responsible for the hard-core criminality depicted in the video.

Imagine for an instant how little you would have to value your own life, to behave in the way that the perp in the following video behaves.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Intertesting 1950s Anti-Homosexuality Psa

Thursday 7 May MMXV
Not too sure what to think about this.

It is though interesting to view this vid while thinking about how the vermin at the New York Times would react to this relic of an America they have effectively obliterated.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Baltimore : The New York Times Just Doesn't Get The Joke

Sunday May 3rd MMXV
As tens of millions of white Americans are waking up to the reality of black criminality not just in Baltimore but everywhere on earth, the lying vermin at the New York Times seem tone-deaf to the epiphany that is occurring: namely, that more and more people are starting to understand that it is black criminality that causes police overreach, and not the other way around.

The New York Times has been publishing anti-police, black apologia articles every single day - many of them right there on the front page, the most expensive publishing real estate on planet earth - ever since the Michael "Gentle Giant" Brown fiasco of last summer.

One would think that with all the brain power they employ, the powers to be at Amerika's newspaper of record would realize by now how stupid and phony they look by constantly, constantly excusing Bad Black Behavior, and blame-shifting it upon the people for whom the NYT reserves a unique hatred, i.e. YT.

When are they going to get the joke?

Answer: never. (At least they'll never admit, that they had never heard of negro fatigue). 

As if we needed more, today the Times published yet again not one but several "articles" on the unrest in Baltimore. Every single friggin' time, the verminous reality shape shifters at the Times layer on the White Guilt with a thick horsehair brush, always shifting blame away from the blacks who are to blame, and placing same blame squarely on the shoulders of the poor white people working to keep the ICBMs (Inner City Black Males) from killing, raping and robbing everything and everyone around them. Low impulse control, lower-still intelligence and seething hatred for whites and the celebration of "knockout game" assaults becomes "dubious choices;" blacks released from nine-year stints in prison become "inspirational stories of overcoming hardship;" murderous, filthy, animal-like  gang members who get together to devise a plan to attack white cops becomes "gang leaders uniting to seek solutions," and so on...

I can't take this anymore, somebody let me out of here.

It is simply amazing how predictable the New York Times has become in the past couple of years / months. This never-ending re-hashing of tired tropes gets wickedly old very quickly, and it is even more frustrating when you realize that the Times are doubling down on their fantasy-land worldview even as more and more readers are becoming aware of the hard truth.

In a sickeningly predictable and journalistically irresponsible - of not criminally irresponsible  ! -  front page puff piece monstrosity published in today's national edition and entitled "Hard But Hopeful Home To A 'Lot Of Freddies'," the cowardly little vermin at the Times have this to say about Baltimore, quoting Freddie Gray public housing project look-a-likes :
“People want to work and live in a house that’s not going to fall down around them and is not infested with rats,” he said. “They want a normal life — they want what everybody else wants, and they don’t seem to be able to get any closer to that.”
His comments underscore the contradictions of this troubled but close-knit neighborhood with a village feel that has somehow survived harrowing rates of unemployment, poor health, violent crime and incarceration.
It is also a place where a wide array of people, including the law-abiding and the community leaders, accuse the police of harassment, disrespect and even brutality, which they describe as a daily problem for men. That shared frustration and anger have mobilized the community now to protest the death of Mr. Gray, 25. On Friday, six police officers were charged with a range of crimes, including murder and manslaughter, in the arrest and fatal injury of Mr. Gray.
That's right, the competitive compassion athletes at the New York Times want you to know, once again, that black people in the USA are never repeat NEVER responsible for their own bad black behaviour. If blacks fail, if blacks riot, if blacks kill other blacks, it can't possibly be their own fault. It has to be either lead paint in the walls of the public housing where they're warehoused, or oppressive police regimes that seek to keep them down.

Nobutseriously, how is it even possible that the idiots at the New York Times cannot see what everyone else with a pair of eyes is able to see?

Answer: the people who write for the NYT are better than you, they are not swayed by humor or common sense, they are on a divine mission in a godless world to uplift the poor blacks,  jeez why can't you see that?

If you think I am making this up, consider this incredible piece also published in today Sunday's national edition, by Times communist Gina Bellafonte, entitled "Baby Boom Among New York's Affluent".

From that article :
"For decades there were factions on the right worried about poor minorities “overbreeding” and taxing the city’s resources. Historically, there has been far less panic about the affluent having a lot of children, and yet they change the feel of the city, driving family-size S.U.V.s and generating a more suburban sensibility. The main complaints have come from well-off people themselves*, as they worry about overcrowding in affluent school districts and rising numbers of children attending private school, making admission even more impossible."
[*emphasis mine ]
"Two years ago the city’s Human Resources Administration issued a series of subway ads meant to drive down teenage pregnancy rates in poor communities. The ads showed babies lecturing prospective mothers that, for instance, their boyfriends would eventually leave them. Liberal critics considered them shaming, but Robert Doar, the former human resources commissioner, told me that in focus groups, the teenagers at whom the ads were aimed responded positively to them."
Perhaps those ads could be recast and targeted at TriBeCa mothers with small children, warning them of the tough realities: “You may think you want a fourth child. But what if your husband never buys you that four-bedroom apartment and never says yes to the weekend nanny?”
You read that correctly: this Times columnist, Gina Bellafonte, has such a sneering, seething hatred for whites, that she wants them to stop "overbreeding," so that oppressed minorities in New York City can return to the halycon days of high minority breeder rates. Not only that, but this sickening hypocrite creature Bellafonte is willing to cast off all aspersions of feminist solidarity, as long as the women she is belittling are white.

What's that Gina, it's okay to laugh at a white women who wants a fourth kid, and accuse her of being a mindless gold-digger, dependent on her apartment-buying, weekend nanny-employing white husband?

Imagine for a split second this disgusting Bellafonte creature ridiculing an African female immigrant from Niger, a country of extraordinary contributions to humanity with the highest birthrate on Earth, at a little over 8 chirren per wimmenz.

Do you see that happening? (Gina denigrating a high-fertility black African woman) ?

Answer: of course you don't, because it never would (happen).

Whites disappearing everywhere is not a problem for this New York Times communist, even though a child with a slow Dell computer could figure out in a few minutes that minority status for whites is approaching faster than the official (and hoped-for, in the cubicles of the NYT) date of 2042. White children were outnumbered by non-whites in the USA as far back as 2013, but the hateful little Clintonites at Amerika's newspaper of record think that this rate of dispossession is not happening fast enough.

One day and let's hope soon, the nation-wreckers at Amerika's Official Newspaper are going to feel the wicked whip of backlash crack viciously across their preening, self-righteous snouts.

It's going to be ugly, but it's going to be… Beautiful.

Gina Bellafonte and her ilk will be remembered for the hatred they once sowed.