Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's Newspaper of Record

Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's
Newspaper of Record

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

MH17 Memorial Service on CNN

Live from the Netherlands, CNN :

Every single person on the side of the highway as the hearses drive by appear to be ethnic Dutch. (Sharia for Holland couldn't make it).

So why is CNN giving more screen time to non-Dutch victims and their families than to the majority Dutch?

Answer: CNN uses even a funeral procession to promote a global diversity agenda.

Like this :

Okay granted, it was Malaysian Airlines and they were on their way to Malaysia, but for Christ sakes the vast majority of the victims were Dutch, and this is a funeral happening in Holland.


Anonymous said...

You forget. Whites don't count. This is the juden agenda. CNN is mostly juden.

Anonymous said...

CNN also has some non-juden lesbians.