A few revealing word searches from this evil, evil speech:
diverse/ity - used 8 times
ethnic/icty - used 8 times
racial - used 5 times
white (l/c) - used zero times
immigrant/ation - used 47 times
The full text of Clinton's "Commencement Address at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, June 13, 1998" is available here.
More than any other nation on Earth, America has constantly drawn strength and spirit from wave after wave of immigrants. In each generation, they have proved to be the most restless, the most adventurous, the most innovative, the most industrious of people. Bearing different memories, honoring different heritages, they have strengthened our economy, enriched our culture, renewed our promise of freedom and opportunity for all.
Of course, the path has not always run smooth. Some Americans have met each group of newcomers with suspicion and violence and discrimination. So great was the hatred of Irish immigrants 150 years ago that they were greeted with signs that read, "No Dogs or Irish." So profound was the fear of Chinese in the 1880's that they were barred from entering the country. So deep was the distrust of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe at the beginning of this century that they were forced to take literacy tests specifically designed to keep them out of America. Eventually, the guarantees of our Constitution and the better angels of our nature prevailed over ignorance and insecurity, over prejudice and fear.
But now we are being tested again by a new wave of immigration larger than any in a century, far more diverse than any in our history. Each year, nearly a million people come legally to America. Today, nearly one in 10 people in America was born in another country; one in 5 schoolchildren are from immigrant families. Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within 5 years, there will be no majority race in our largest State, California. In a little more than 50 years, there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time....
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"immigration" makes a a hearty appearance - and that's a screen shot of less than half the speech! |
Addendum : Jamie Foxx on SNL this past Saturday 8 December, 2012. In his monologue - in which Mister Foxx gets more ethnic than you have probably ever seen him - he promotes his new role in Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained." Watch the way the audience reacts when JF says: "And [in this movie] I get to kill ALL duh white people. How great is that?!"
Negroes are not human. Hey, I'm just repeating the obvious slash / what I saw on :
Hey, not my original thought: But: insofar as their forced presence amongst us: niggers are the cockroaches of humanity.
Now that 's not even my original thought ! (I am therefore free of charges of "das raciss n' sheet").
Signing off totally anon, lest Spike Lee or whomever finds out where I live,
- An American Realist
ps: thank you for this blog. We know it's essentially about the evil institution that is the NYT, but we like the way you branch out, from time to time, too.
Isn't there a law against inciting to riot or murder? Guess not. Or maybe that law is only for Whitey. So shut up and go see Django.
Who are these asshole Nigerian scammer spammers who keep posting commercial crap on this blog?
Identify yourselves, then kind kill yourselves, you useless wastes of cybersapce.
- Arturo
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