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Sun7OctMMXII - Clk2Enlrg |
"Four Decades After Clashes, Boston Again Debates School Busing"
Here's the killer graph from the article (which Steven Sailer links to in a brilliant analysis, entitled "The Triumph Of 1970s Liberalism In A Graph" ) :

From the article "Four Decades After Clashes" :
Exhibit B :
"Carrolle F. Johnson, Schools Integrator, Dies At 99"
From the obit :
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Yankee race traitor Carrole F. Johnson |
Exhibit C :
Insights to follow.
Patience, please. Patience.
- Arturo +
Jews don't care that they are destroying schools for Whites. That's what jews want to do. Jews know that they must get to White children as they are the future of the White people. Jews have gotten to White children through the public schools, MTV, movies, TV, colleges, and commercials. It's the White male that jews are essentially after and that jews have marked for extinction.
If the Cuban missile crises had of gone tits up resulting in the Russians launching their intercontinental ballistic missiles the resulting damage would be preferable to this.
white privilege...thats that creepy Judge!
the FF have to work, the judge just shits there.
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