Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's Newspaper of Record

Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's
Newspaper of Record

Monday, April 24, 2017

As New Orleans Has First Of Four Iconic Confederate Monuments Taken Down In The Dead Of Night By Masked Men Wearing Bulletproof Vests, Another African American Burglar Caught On Camera Crashing Through Ceiling Of Basketball Shoes Store

24 Apr 2017
Wow, this is becoming a trend.

By the way : the squealing unclean vermin at America's newspaper of record misinform in today's front page about the French election results, calling Emmanuel Macron an "outsider."

New York Times : You people are scum and deserve the wrath of the people for misleading the world for so so long.

Freak-a-zoid Macron is just 39 years old, at age 15 he started an affaire with his high teacher who was 25 YEARS older than he, they later married, sorry but that's just weird.

Imagine if Donald Trump's wife was 95 years old. Okay? Get it yet?

Fact is that Macron is a professional globalist who served the Rothschild Banking family - the Rothy's, and no-one else, created this sick creature from whole cloth and jettisoned him into the highest echelons of French Political Power.

Macron is a sick pup, a diseased puppet - literally - and he is probably going to be the next president of France.

Thanks globalists !

Okay, here's the fun part of this post : Basketball American gets caught on camera crashing through New Orleans sporting goods store :

I love the way these stores become litteral-like roach motels for the dindus :

Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20th NYT Front Page

Thur. 20 Apr. 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Syria Air Strike : First Time The Vermin At The New York Times Report Anything Even Remotely Positive About Trump

Fri 7 Mar 2017
When it was announced two days ago that Bannon was out, I had a very, very bad feeling.

Bannon out ; Kushner in.

Then one day later - ONE DAY OY VEY  ! - on the one hundredth- anniversary TO THE DAY of the entry of the United States into World War One (my grandfather fought in France for the USA), Trump very strangely and counter-intuitively does what appears to be Israel's bidding, by dropping one tenth of one billion dollars worth of ordnance on an airfield alleged to have launched the jets that made the alleged sarin gas attack that even Michael Savage is calling a false flag.

What in the name of Holy Schlomo is going on here ?

Answer : Jared Kushner.

Trump's sneaky son in law holds the record for making the biggest real estate purchase in the history of all mankind, when at the age of just 25, he scooped up 666 Fifth Avenue for 1.8 billion dollars.

The name of his property should tell you everything you need to know about ole' JK.


This is an extremely problematic situation. On just about every level.

If Trump is playing 4D chess and duping us all in a bigger plan to make true on his MAGA promise - you never know this may be the case - then cool, we will continue to support him.

If, however, Trump is being puppet string-pulled by Deep State insiders with ferociously complex relations with Zionist Global Power, then any respect for the man I ever had is going to dry up on the spot, for me and for tens of millions like me.

For the time being I am giving him the benefit of the doubt.

But barely, just barely. Because if the verminous reality contortionists at Amerika's newspaper of record are publishing front page, above-the-fold articles praising Trump's actions, then you know that something is seriously amiss in this whole mess.

A mess amiss.


Ps : Oh my God ! I am listening to Michael Savage's Friday broadcast right now.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Stephen King + James Alefantis + Comet Pizza + Heavy Breathing Connection

Sun 3 Mar 17
What in the Holy name of Jesus FFS is going on
here ?

Do you think I like noticing this stuff and feeling like I am the only one reporting on it ?

Answer :


I don't.

It's not not a good feeling. It's a lonely feeling.


So Pizza / Pedogate is five months old already, after the big Wikileaks data dump right before the November 8th election. (Today Sunday 2nd March 2017 Ecuador voted - I hope Assange doesn't get locked up as a result).

So Pizza / Pedo Gate, after ALL this TIME, and still, not ONE - NOT ONE ! - MSM journalist has had the balls to ask the man who was slated to be the next US Secretary of State the simplest and most basic of question regarding his alleged pizza-coded emails, id. est. :

"Mr. Podesta : Who are Ruby, Emerson and Maeve Luzzatto?"

"Mr. Podesta : Why are these three young children mentioned in an email to you at all?"

"Mr. Podesta : Why in that email to you is it specified that these three children are '11, 9 and almost 7' (years old), and will be available in a heated pool and /or a hot tub for 'further entertainment' for an unspecified person / group of persons?"

"Mr. Podesta : can you just please explain the presence in your verified emails of this information, and give us a logical answer so that all of us so-called "truther" types can go move along - nothing to see here - because certainly as close as you are/were to the Clintons - and B.O. hisself - we know that we can count on you on giving us the information you have, which is the information we want, and we kind of have to hurry up because you are old and kinda' sickly looking and we would like to put this matter to rest before you croak, get disappeared, or are otherwise rendered unable to reveal the truth behind this dark, sinister, demonic mess."

"Mr. Podesta : Below is a screen shot of an email from that authenticated gmail account belonging to you - i.e. 'john.podesta@gmail.com', password = "password" (brilliant, just brill you old fucking child-murdering satan-worshipping piece of shit);"

Original from wikileaks can be verified at this link tight here.

> With enormous gratitude to Advance Man Extraordinaire Haber, I am popping > up again to share our excitement about the Reprise of Our Gang’s visit to > the farm in Lovettsville. And I thought I’d share a couple more notes: > We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be > Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and > almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in > that pool for sure.

That Wikileaks Podesta email by the way can be fond here as well :


It is verified, it is authenticated, it has never been suggested by Podesta or by anyone for that matter that the Wikileaks bearing his name were fake.


So why on God's beautiful Green Earth full of mostly beautiful people, is it that the man whom the NYT and CNN and all the other giant corporate mouthpieces owned by the Big Six that control the (un)free Press in the West - the Lügenpresse - why is it that NOT ONCE has a single journalist asked the simple question :

"Mr. Podesta : Who are Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto? And why are the names of these children - whose ages in your own verified emails are specified as '11, 9 and almost 7' - why is their presence there in somebody's heated pool listed as 'entertainment'? These are legitimate questions Mister Podesta and we would like an honest answer from you. Everybody who reads this blog is a good, kind-hearted person, we realize how terrible these smears upon your character must be for your soul".



Bing. Problem solved.


Bing Bing Bang Nong : Problem NOT solved : What is even more suspicious than Podesta's verified emails discussing very young children in somebody's hot tub for somebody's "further entertainment,"  what's even more problematic is that THE QUESTION HAS NEVER BEEN BROUGHT UP IN THE FIRST PLACE, by the lying Legacy media. Lying Dying Legacy Media Lügenpresse NWO shills.

Let US BE Thankful that Satan's daily newsletter is losing credibility Every Single Day.

Thanks God ! Thanks Interwebs !


Wait, what? You say that Podesta did reply to his pedophile charges? Oh yes, I see, you're talking about  this :

Now that right there is the body language of a man who has absolutely NOTHING to hide, not even a tonenail never mind an entire skeleton in his closet.

But wait !! It gets better !! ....

Stephen King is implicated in this. Somehow.

How? I don't know exactly.

But something extremely sinister is at play in all this. And the writer behind Firestarter, Carrie, and It is involved. Somehow.

Like I've said earlier : I believe in coincidences, but I don't believe in INFINITY coincidences.


There is a connection between Podesta and James Alefantis (mentioned publicly in the above interview) ; also, there is a connection between "Heavy Breathing"- the so-called electronic dance "band" that often plays shows at Comet - and James Alefantis, by virtue not only of "Heavy Breathing" being the very first and most prominent "friend" of Comet Pizza on their Instagram page (along with Media Matters and "Sex Stains"), but also because it becomes pretty obvious that Heavy Breathing frontman "Majestic Ape" and "Jimmy Comet" James "Antinous" Alefantis are one on the same.

So we all already know that there is a definite connection between Podesta, Alefantis, Hillary Clinton, and therefore Heavy Breathing.

Here's where it starts to get PFW (pretty fucking weird) :

The all-black-skirt clad, red-leather-boot-wearing freak jumping around in a blond wig, red ski mask and giant black sunglasses portrayed in all of Heavy Breathing's "music videos" and "promotional videos," I am 100% sure you will all agree, that that person is none-other than James Alefantis. He whose avatar on his Instragram page - before it was made private after the giant wikileaks data dump right before the election shined a harsh light on the cockroaches of the Progressive Left in the USA was of the Greek butt-boy attendant of Hadrian of Greece Antinous, - the fucking God of boy love I ant to throw up even reportign on this. But it's all true...

How hard could it be for an intelligent sound engineer to do a simple voice frequency analysis, a sort of oral forensics to match the voice of the lispy little faggot letting Megan Kelly know how terrible it was an ordeal for him, before that NPR ALSO presented Alefantis - this sadistic satanic pedophilic child-worshipping FREAK - as a victim, and NOT a perp ....  and then of course there was the CBS 60 Minutes episode from JUST ONE WEEK AGO that again, presented Alefantis ... as the victim.



There is something Extremely Weird going on between Stephen King and all this weirdness around Comet Ping Pong, aka Heavy breathing aka James Alefantis.

Stephen King ? WTF ?

I know, I agree.

Here's the thing : the trailer for King's new movie - "It" - just came out.

Check it out :


Okay whatever fair enough, I had never heard of the original 1990 tv show, whatever.

What's weird, and what's super-creepy, is that this film is based upon the very real phenomenon of unsolved missing children cases that have been going on for a long time in the United States. If you're a late baby-boomer like me (1965) you'll remember the missing kids on the milk cartons at breakfast tie before school. Well guess what : the problem is about a Billion times worse than you ever imagined. Kids go missing every single day, they wind up on a conveyor belt into a system where smiling Jimmy Comet is waiting for them with a plastic smock and some coroners tools. I fear.

Stephen King - who seems to view himself as some sort of portal into a demonic dimension himself (this fucking dude is three days weird of Wednesday)  - is referenced very prominently (though subliminally) in at least one of Comet Pizza's favorite band's - Heavy Breathing's - promotional videos.

The first example of this 2015 HB promo vid makes it pretty clear that not only is the freak behind the red ski mask none other than James Alefantis, but also, that this super-weird, super-creepy promo vid is chock-a-block full to the tilt with occultist symbolism and strange imagery every which way to your last nightmare. Make a note - among the many, MANY other subtle but in your face hints - of the face of Rudy Guiliani on the pencil holder mug right there on ole' Majestic Ape's desk (which sits upon a pizza-patterned carpet - sorry you probably would have noticed first if I didn't give it away).

Do these freaks in DC have some dirt on Rudy that keeps the man behind the "response" to 9/11 in check? I wonder.

Now, the second example,  you will see, is EXTREMELY DISTRUBING. It's a HB video for their "song"  'I no Luv'.

For starters - note the extensiveness of the post-production work on these videos. This is not crap that some stupid band that performs at a restaurant on weekends can afford to produce. I would say that the two HB vid examples I am including here, together cost at least four hundred thousand dollars to produce.

"Heavy Breathing: I No Luv"


Here's my take home message :

In the second vid, the one with the freak behind the mask typing i a darkened room then apparently using a shop vac to suck the soul out of the bung hole of some crazy fuck in a bra - if you watch it at normal speed YOU WILL NOT NOTICE THE MULTIPLE REFERENCES TO STEPHEN KING.

But here is the thing :

If you pay very close attention, and do a lot of stopping and starting, frame-by-frame seeking, you will see that the bookshelf behind the red ski-mask / blond wig freakathon (it's Alefantis in drag or I'm a oinkey's uncle), look closely and you will see :

[1] -- Those are all Stephen King books on the shelf

[2]-- At the two minute and XXXXX  mark there is a one-one-hundredth of a second of a Steven King picture posing with his cat.





There is some connection here folks.

Missing children.

Weird shit happening.

Stephen King.

Top-level DC Political operatives involved in super-high level satanic pedophilia......


Here's some of the stills you might not have noticed watching this wretched HB video  at normal speed :

(these screen shots should give the the exact time when they appear i this sickening video if you want to go check for yourselves.

For example : in the second video - where James Alefantis (Majestic Ape) in pink wig, red ski mask and big sunglasses is grinning at his computer screen (not for long asshole - you will be in cuffs soon), ,y small format screen makes it very hard to discern the book titles behind him. If you have a big screen please zoom in and let us know what other Stephen King titles these freaks at HB are obsessed with).

I am sorry for including this last one - it is too disgusting. It appears in the HB vid "I No Luv" for less than 1/100th of a second - remember this is from Heavy Breathing, a favorite musical act at Comet Pizza and Ping Pong, that place that Podesta himself described as an upscale family-friendly restaurant where his "friend" James Alefantis was a chef.... it is therefore a significant image, if it can be confirmed that that is indeed the face of Anthony Weiner - sure looks like it to me.

Note to all you freaks, satanists, evil-doer freaks out there: there are more of us, than there are of you.

We will finds you out.

We will smoke you out of the woodwork like the worms that you are, and shine the light of truth upon you ; this light shall make you shrivel up and turn to something lesser than dust.

Onward !