Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's Newspaper of Record

Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's
Newspaper of Record

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The NYT Takes Sucking Up To Black People ("African Americants") To A Whole New Level Of Pathological Sycophancy

The vermin at Amerika's newspaper of record love Love and I mean LOVE American negroes.

It's practically to the point where the Grey Lady's motto could be instead  : "All the News That's Print To Fit American Negro Hagiography."

Case in point: an utterly obsequious puff piece published today Saturday 19 April on page A16 of today's national edition, entitled "A Generational Divide Worn On Their Heads," by Times communist Samuel G. Freedman in his hilariously disingenuous column known as "On Religion". (Motto: when subjects are non-white, their religious fervor will be cast in a positive light; However: any story touching on white people and their religious faith, will seek to portray said bible-thumping whites as backwards cultists.).

Sammy Freedman: you are hypocritical little worm. Your day will come.

From Sammy's sycophantic pro-afro article :

The scriptural basis for the tradition resides in I Corinthians 11, which declares that “every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head” (New International Version). Even more relevant for African-Americans of both genders was the pervasive degradation and humiliation inflicted upon them by slavery, segregation and racism. To get decked out for church — suit, tie and pocket square for a man; stylish dress and coordinated hat for a woman — was to assert one’s dignity as a citizen and one’s value as a child of God.
Given such a profound purpose, it is hardly surprisingly that the church hat became staple in all its swooping, feathered grandeur. The 2000 photo book “Crowns: Portraits of Black Women in Church Hats,” featured a foreword by Maya Angelou and was adapted for the stage by Regina Taylor. The collection of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, which will open this year, includes several dozen hats made by the renowned Philadelphia milliner Mae Reeves.
Outside museum doors, however, the atmosphere around the black church has been shifting. The educational and professional opportunities opened up by civil rights legislation and the diversity movement have meant, for an increasing number of black men and women, that dressing up is now a Monday-through-Friday requirement, not a Sunday morning ritual of auto-emancipation.

"Dressing up is now a Monday-Through-Friday requirement"?

What planet do these Yankee NYT communists even live on?


The New York Times: Stoking The Flames Of Racial Resentment Since 1896.  

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