Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kidnapped Times Journos Make Their Anti-Israeli, Pro Islamic Third-World Bias Clear As Day

3/22/11 - Click to Enlarge 
"4 Times Journalists Held Captive in Libya Faced Days of Brutality"

From the article : 

The NYT Doesn't Even Bother to Corroborate 3rd Party Hearsay

From the article : 

Once Again From the NYT: in Africa - This Bastion of Barbarity - Chaos Results
ONLY From Undemocratic Leaders; According to the Diversity-Enforcing One
Worlders at the NYT, the People Are Always Noble, the Culture is Always Great,
It Is Just a Handful of Despots Who Make Life Bad For A Noble People

NYT Wishful Thinkers

I am starting to like this Qadaffi guy more by the day. 


  1. Of course Anthony Shahid claims that the guy who "shot him in the back" was a Jew.

    Note the way the NYT prints his claim as virtual fact.

  2. truithblitz.blogspot.comMarch 26, 2011 at 3:09 AM

    I love the way these New York Times pussies try to make it sound like ALL LIbyans are such nice people, they have such a wonderful, generous, majestic culture, it is ONLY because of ONE MAN that things are bad.

    Indeed, how does the NYT explain away Robert Mugabe in Zim?

    Answer: they don't. Cuz they're pussies.

