Friday, March 9, 2012

The Dunning Kruger Effect Explains Everything

"People Aren't Smart Enough For Democracy To Flourish, Scientists Say"

And to think that the New York Times wet dreams about democracy for Africa!

From the article :


  1. This is doublespeak and more accurately jew funded nonsense. What if one is in fact above average mind, strength, and beauty? What is bullshit propaganda like this meant to convey? That ye are equal to a goat herder? Leftist academics!No wonder our youth are so poisoned when vipers like these slither through the halls of "academia".

  2. Anonymous believes he is capable of making a sensible comment...Beautiful example of the Dunning Kruger.

  3. Above: Go fuck your youserlf.

  4. Above average people tend to assume they have performed worse than they should or at least average. Below average people tend to overestimate their performance. Thus self-assessment tends to show peoples expectations of their ability bunched together.
