Tuesday, August 9, 2011

London Burning: While The New York Times Dithers, the BBC Carries the Torch of Criminal Liberal Bias

Consider images of the official response, from David Cameron and Ed Miliband :

And consider this guy, who gave the single most honest assessment of the troubles since we started following them two days ago:

He said: "I am sick of these punks. I'm horrified to see they are mostly black youths. I spit on them. They make me ashamed to be a black man."

THIS is the type of honest black dude that I  reserve my compassion, pity and uplift for.

If only the pussified white people - who all sense the ridiculous need to have a token black in the background (fear, anyone?) - could be as honest as this black man, who I salute.

1 comment:

  1. Sickening the way these white British politicians (though I'm not so sure about Milliband) USE black people for political expediency.

    The nog dressed up like a bobby standing behind Cameron is the very height of cynicism.
