Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Take That!, Replacement Theorists !


1 comment:

  1. With tons of evidence, like written articles by lefties and Marxist Dems discussing in detail how 'wonderful' it is (including one in the NYT itself called, 'We Can Replace Them: In Georgia, a chance to rebuke white nationalism'), to Joe Biden on video smiling as he speaks of the 'unrelenting non-stop' forced illegal-migration that will totally change the political demographic in the Dems' favor, to the downloadable PDF on the UN website which is unbelievably called 'Replacement Migration', lefty elitists keep claiming it's all just some paranoid 'conspiracy theory' invented by 'MAGA Right-wing racists'. These friggin commies are pissing in our faces but telling us it's raining.
